Everything is new at the CEBIT – and we were right in the middle of the action. In 2018, contagt has exhibited again at the CEBIT. Thanks to a completely new exhibition concept, the atmosphere at the fair this year was significantly different than in previous years. Our highlights at a glance:
1. Demo of the contagt solution at the booth of the Federal Ministry of Economics
Visitors to the fair could try out our live navigation and the terminal directly at the booth of the BMWI. In advance, we had integrated the booth and its surroundings into the platform and installed Bluetooth beacons. On-site displays and the information counter pointed to the digital solution. This worked out very well – many visitors were able to find the way to their destination with the aid of meter-accurate positioning. Thank you for the positive feedback!
2. Presentation of our BMBF research project ASSIST²
In spring we had successfully completed the project ASSIST². At the CEBIT we presented the results. In ASSIST², a novel navigation system for the visually impaired in indoor areas was tested. For this purpose, we combined ultrasonic positioning with vibro-tactile feedback via smartphones and smartwatches. The result videos with blind test persons attracted a great deal of interest from trade visitors and provoked lively conversations.
3. contagt receives “Software Made in Germany” certification
The Federal Association of IT-Mittelstand e.V. (BITMi) has awarded the contagt solution the quality seal “Software Made in Germany“. This recognition made us really proud! The seal honors service quality as well as the quality and a future-proof design of software products on the basis of reliable criteria and references. The award ceremony took place at an impressive evening event in the supporting program of the CEBIT.
4. Exciting other startups at the trade show
There was a lot to discover at the CEBIT! You could easily notice that there were many exhibits on Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). We especially liked three ideas: At the virtual football table Koliseum Soccer VR you play with VR glasses, which makes the game even crazier (with special moves, etc.). Right next to it, a whole Holodeck was set up: At about 10×10 meters, several visitors could walk simultaneously and with VR glasses through a virtual ghost train. And with Icaros, you could feel like a bird and (virtually) glide through mountainous landscapes on a balance training machine.
5. Better than the World Cup: contragt triumphs at table football
Last but not least, and our comfort in these dreary FIFA World Cup days: We could not reject the table football challenge by our northern German booth neighbors Light Instruments. Despite adverse conditions (heavy rain and a overcrowded stadium), we have clearly dominted and won in several rounds. The nicest compliment was the question: “But you have such a football table in your office, right?” Nope, not yet. Greetings to Kiel 😉